daith glamour piercing

Piercing Daith: Tips for fast and safe healing

Is your daith piercing taking time to heal? Are you thinking of getting one, but still on the fence about it?

The healing time of a piercing can be a deterrent for some people. At Solstice, we've also been through this stage of uncertainty and want to share some insights on it.

Located in the innermost fold of the ear, the daith is a piece of cartilage situated just above the ear canal. The daith piercing is subtle, contemporary, and might alleviate migraines due to a specific acupuncture point. Although it heals quickly, it can easily get infected if not cared for properly.

In this article, you'll discover:

  • How to speed up the healing of your daith piercing
  • The approximate healing time

So, let's dive into these tips and information together!

How long does a daith piercing take to heal?

Before getting any piercing, the piercer should examine your ear. If your cartilage is thick enough, you can get a daith piercing. Unfortunately, sometimes this isn't feasible.

A few weeks later, you go to the piercer to have the piercing done in your ear. The healing process for your daith piercing goes through 3 phases and begins the moment the jewelry is inserted:

  1. Inflammation and exudation: the wound bleeds, turns red, swells, and hurts.
  2. Irritation and granulation: a cavity forms and crusts appear around the jewelry.
  3. Healing: the crusts fall off, and the wound becomes clean.

Depending on where you get pierced, this process can take several months. It's estimated that a daith piercing takes between 2 and 6 months to heal completely. To determine if the hole has healed, look for the following:

  • A normally colored hole
  • No redness, swelling, or tenderness
  • No clear or yellowish discharge
  • No pain in the piercing area

Fortunately, it's possible to change the jewelry roughly 2 months after the piercing if the change is made by the piercer. Then you can choose another piece of jewelry, like a ring or a horseshoe. Don't attempt to change it yourself, as you might cause an infection.

Woman with a daith piercing in her ear

How to Speed Up the Healing of Your Daith Piercing

There are several tricks to help your daith piercing heal faster. But before considering using essential oils or practicing meditation, daily care is crucial.

The purpose of piercing care is to keep the wound clean so your body can do its natural healing. You should clean the wound 1 to 2 times a day with a saline solution or pH-neutral cleanser to prevent bacteria from proliferating.

Pay attention to your lifestyle:

  • Diet, hydration, and sleep
  • Avoid physical exercise
  • Do not swim in pools or the ocean
  • Specific care for ear piercings

The daith piercing can cause keloid or hypertrophic scars (cauliflower ear). Therefore, care is of utmost importance. If you notice your ear is infected (sudden swelling and pain), consult a doctor. Ideally, you should continue cleaning your daith piercing daily for an entire year.

Lastly, good healing is planned in advance. Choose a trustworthy piercer, who follows strict hygiene standards and has completed a health and safety training. They should use disinfected materials. Avoid jewelers that use piercing guns, a dangerous and painful tool.

Oils for daith piercing.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Jewelry

Choosing the right jewelry for your daith piercing is crucial to ensuring proper healing and preventing potential complications. The choice of appropriate material and design not only affects the aesthetics of the piercing but also the health and comfort of your ear.

Recommended Materials for a Daith Piercing

When picking jewelry for your daith piercing, it's essential to opt for high-quality, hypoallergenic materials. Here are some of the most recommended materials:

  1. Titanium: Titanium is a lightweight, durable, and biocompatible material, making it an ideal choice for piercings. It is hypoallergenic and less likely to cause irritations or allergic reactions.
  2. Gold: 14 or 18 karat gold is another safe option for a daith piercing, as it's resistant to corrosion and doesn't typically cause allergic reactions. Avoid gold-plated jewelry during the healing process, as it can cause irritations.
  3. Surgical Steel: Although surgical steel might contain trace amounts of nickel, it's generally safe for most people. Ensure the jewelry is of implant-grade surgical steel (316LVM) to guarantee the best quality.

How to Choose the Right Size and Style of the Jewelry

The size and style of jewelry for your daith piercing are also essential considerations. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Size: Ensure that the diameter of the hoop or horseshoe is suitable for your ear. An incorrect size can cause discomfort, pressure, and delay healing. Consult with your piercer about the most appropriate size for your anatomy.
  2. Style: There are various styles of jewelry for the daith, like hoops, horseshoes, and heart-shaped hoops. Choose a design that you like and fits your personal style. Keep in mind that some designs might be more challenging to clean and maintain, so practicality is essential to consider as well.

Wash your hand before changing your daith piercing.

Tips to Avoid Infections in the Daith Piercing

Keeping your daith piercing free from infections is essential to ensure proper healing and prevent complications. Below are some guidelines on personal hygiene and how to identify and manage signs of infection.

The Importance of Maintaining Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene plays a critical role in preventing infections in the daith piercing. Here are some tips to keep your piercing clean and healthy:

  1. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap before touching the piercing or the surrounding area.
  2. Clean the piercing 1 to 2 times daily with a saline or pH-neutral solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or alcohol, as they can delay healing and irritate the skin.
  3. Do not twist or unnecessarily manipulate the jewelry, as this can introduce bacteria into the wound and cause infections.
  4. Change your pillowcase regularly and avoid sleeping directly on the piercing during the healing process.

Identifying Signs of Infection and How to Act

Recognizing signs of infection in your daith piercing is vital for addressing the issue timely and effectively. Here are some common indicators of infection:

  1. Persistent redness, swelling, and warmth in the piercing area.
  2. Discharge of yellow or green pus.
  3. Severe pain or worsening pain in the affected area.
  4. Fever, chills, or general discomfort.

If you suspect your daith piercing is infected, follow these steps:

  1. Continue cleaning the wound as per your piercer's instructions.
  2. Do not remove the jewelry, as this can cause the wound to close and trap the infection inside.
  3. Apply warm compresses to the area to relieve pain and encourage blood circulation.
  4. Consult a doctor or healthcare professional as soon as possible for appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications.

In summary, maintaining good personal hygiene and being alert to signs of infection are key aspects to ensure the health of your daith piercing. If you follow these tips and act swiftly upon any sign of infection, you'll be on the path to successful healing without complications.

daith piercing infection

How to Care for Your Daith Piercing

While Sleeping Sleeping comfortably while protecting your daith piercing is essential for ensuring proper healing and avoiding complications. Here are some recommendations on how to sleep with a daith piercing and using special pillows to protect it.

How to Sleep with a Daith Piercing

Sleeping with a newly done daith piercing can be a challenge, but there are several ways to minimize discomfort and prevent potential issues:

  1. Avoid sleeping on the piercing side: Try sleeping on the opposite side of the pierced ear to prevent pressure and friction on the affected area. If you tend to move a lot during sleep, you might need to adjust your position several times to keep the pierced ear free from pressure.
  2. Keep the area clean: Ensure you clean the piercing before going to bed, following your piercer's instructions. This will help keep the wound bacteria-free and reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Use a clean pillowcase: Change pillowcases regularly to ensure a clean, bacteria-free environment. Pillowcases made of soft, breathable materials, such as cotton or silk, can also benefit the piercing's healing.

Using Special Pillows to Protect the Piercing

There are pillows specifically designed to protect piercings during sleep. Some options include:

  1. Donut-shaped piercing pillows: These pillows have a central hole allowing the pierced ear to hang freely in the air, avoiding direct pressure on the piercing. Such pillows can also be helpful for people with other types of ear piercings or those recovering from ear surgery.
  2. Travel pillows: U-shaped travel pillows can also be used to keep the pierced ear elevated and free from pressure. Position the pillow so the "U" arm supports the head and the unpierced ear, while the other part surrounds the pierced ear without pressing on it.

Possible Complications and How to Address Them

While daith piercings are generally safe, complications can arise occasionally. Here, we delve into how to address the appearance of keloid or hypertrophic scars and how to handle irritation or allergic reactions to the jewelry.

What to Do if a Keloid or Hypertrophic

Scar Appears Keloid and hypertrophic scars are abnormal growths of scar tissue that might occur in the piercing area. Though not dangerous, they can be aesthetically displeasing and sometimes painful. If you notice such a scar on your daith piercing, consider the following steps:

  1. Consult a doctor or dermatologist: A healthcare professional can assess the scar and determine the best treatment. This might include corticosteroid creams, laser therapy, or cryotherapy.
  2. Don't manipulate the scar: Refrain from touching or manipulating the scar, as it can exacerbate the situation, causing further scar tissue growth.
  3. Temporarily remove the jewelry: If the scar is painful or causing significant discomfort, ask your piercer to help you temporarily remove the jewelry until the scar is appropriately addressed.

How to Manage Jewelry Irritation or Allergic Reaction

Irritations and allergic reactions to piercing jewelry can be uncomfortable and problematic. Here are guidelines for handling these complications:

  1. Identify the cause: If you suspect the jewelry is causing irritation or allergy, consult your piercer to determine if the jewelry's material or size might be the problem.
  2. Change the jewelry: If it's confirmed that the jewelry is the issue, have your piercer replace it with one made of hypoallergenic material, like titanium or niobium. This should help reduce irritation and prevent future allergic reactions.
  3. Treat the irritation: If irritation persists after changing the jewelry, consider applying cold compresses and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to ease discomfort. If symptoms don't improve or worsen, consult a physician.

In conclusion, while complications can arise with daith piercings, they can be effectively treated in most cases by following the right guidelines and working with experienced healthcare professionals and piercers.

Daith Piercing - The Sixth

The role of the immune system in piercing healing

The immune system plays a pivotal role in the healing of a daith piercing, as it is tasked with fighting off infections and promoting tissue repair. Ensuring a healthy immune system can hasten the healing process and diminish the risk of complications. Below are some insights on foods and supplements beneficial for healing, as well as the connection between stress and the healing process.

Foods and supplements that promote healing

A balanced and nutritious diet is vital for sustaining a robust immune system and fostering the healing of a daith piercing. Some foods and supplements that might prove beneficial include:

  1. Proteins: Consuming high-quality proteins, like lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, and dairy products, can aid in tissue repair and growth.
  2. Vitamins and minerals: Vitamins A, C, and E, as well as zinc, iron, and copper, are pivotal nutrients for wound healing. Ensure you incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy into your diet to intake these crucial nutrients.
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like fatty fish, nuts, and flaxseeds, may have anti-inflammatory properties which can help in reducing inflammation around the piercing and enhance healing.
  4. Supplements: If you are unable to intake sufficient nutrients from your meals, consider consuming vitamin and mineral supplements to assure an adequate intake. However, it's always prudent to consult with a physician before initiating any supplements.

How stress impacts healing

Stress can adversely affect the healing of a piercing, as it can weaken the immune system and delay tissue repair. Here are some ways to manage stress and improve healing:

  1. Practice relaxation techniques: Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can assist in stress reduction and foster relaxation.
  2. Exercise regularly: Moderate exercise can help lower stress and boost circulation, which in turn can enhance piercing healing.
  3. Ensure adequate sleep: Sleep is vital for recovery and healing, so make sure to get ample rest each night.
  4. Seek social support: Talking to friends, family, or mental health professionals can be helpful in managing stress and enhancing the body's healing capacity.

Tips to alleviate pain during the healing process

Throughout the daith piercing healing process, one might experience varying degrees of pain or discomfort. Here are some handy tips to relieve the pain and ensure a more comfortable recovery.

Use over-the-counter pain relievers

Using over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can be effective in managing pain related to a fresh daith piercing. These medications function by reducing inflammation and alleviating pain in the impacted area. Always adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines and seek advice from a physician if uncertain about its usage.

Apply cold compresses to the affected area

Cold compresses can be a natural and effective way to decrease pain and inflammation in the piercing site. Wrap an ice pack in a clean, soft cloth and place it on the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes multiple times a day, especially in the initial 48 hours post-piercing.

It's essential to understand that the recovery from a daith piercing can differ from person to person and depends largely on the care administered. By following these suggestions, you can aid in minimizing pain and discomfort throughout the healing phase.

First daith piercing banana.

How to Know When It's Time to Change the Jewelry of Your Daith Piercing

Changing the jewelry of a daith piercing can be exciting, as it allows you to further personalize the style and appearance of the piercing. However, it's crucial to ensure that the healing process is fully complete before making any changes. Below, we outline the signs that indicate the healing is complete and the steps to safely change the jewelry.

Signs That Indicate Complete Healing

To determine if the daith piercing has fully healed, it's important to look out for the following signs:

  1. Normal skin coloration around the piercing.
  2. Absence of redness, swelling, or tenderness in the area.
  3. No discharge of clear or yellowish fluids.
  4. No pain when handling the piercing.

Generally, the healing process of a daith piercing can take between 2 and 6 months, but everyone is different and healing time may vary. If in doubt, consult with a piercing professional before making any changes.

Steps to Safely Change Your Piercing Jewelry

Once the daith piercing has fully healed, follow these steps to safely change the jewelry:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before handling the piercing.
  2. Ensure the new jewelry is clean and disinfected. You can do this by immersing it in isopropyl alcohol for a few minutes and then letting it air dry.
  3. Gently remove the current jewelry, turning it counterclockwise and unscrewing any closures if necessary.
  4. Carefully insert the new jewelry, ensuring not to force it or cause any pain in the process.
  5. If you encounter difficulties or don't feel confident in changing the jewelry, seek help from a piercing professional.
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